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An Ethiopian mother feeds her child Marys Meals


Mary’s Meals feeds more than 110,000 children in Ethiopia and has been operating in Tigray since 2017 in partnership with a trusted local organisation.

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Where we work

Ethiopia is one of the poorest and most drought-prone countries in the world. Almost a third of the population lives below the International Poverty Line ($2.15). 

Many children and their families face a daily struggle for survival, particularly in rural areas where most Ethiopians live. Recurring periods of severe drought and unpredictable rainfall make it almost impossible for people to grow enough food, causing widespread poverty and hunger. 

A two-year civil conflict in Tigray devastated the people of the region and destroyed infrastructure, leading to food and fuel shortages. More than 150,000 destitute and traumatised people – including children who had lost their parents – sought refuge in the region’s capital, Mekelle.

Even before the recent conflict, school drop-out rates were high with more than 60% of children failing to complete their primary education. Girls are particularly disadvantaged and around two thirds of the primary school-age children who are missing out on school are female.

Mary's Meals in Ethiopia

Mary’s Meals has been serving school meals in Ethiopia since 2017. 

We work with a trusted local partner to provide meals to children in the troubled Tigray region in the north-east of the country, close to the Eritrean border. 

The Tigray region was torn apart by a major conflict between November 2020 and November 2022, but many thousands of people were unable to return to their villages for more than a year after the fighting officially ceased. Following more than three years of disruption to their education, some children have been able to return to the classroom. But with the situation as it is, they desperately need school meals to be able to stay in school. We reinstated our school feeding programme at the end of 2023 and have since undergone a rapid expansion in response to the urgent need. We are now reaching more than 110,000 children with much-needed meals every school day.

A line of internally displaced people's collecting rations from food station
When did we start working in Ethiopia?

Since 2017.

How many children do we feed in Ethiopia?

We reach more than 110,000 children in schools in Ethiopia.

What meal do we provide?

Kinche (cracked wheat) and chickpeas, or maize and beans as part of the school feeding programme.

Where are we based/where do we operate?

Tigray region, in the north-east of Ethiopia.