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Two boys earing wraps in Lebanon

The struggle of a lifetime

The war in Ukraine and inflation is making life extremely difficult for the children we feed and their families in Lebanon

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As a nation that imports the vast majority of the food it consumes, Lebanon is especially vulnerable to external factors affecting the prices and availability of goods. The war in Ukraine has meant that exports of key goods have slowed to a halt, and countries like Lebanon have few available alternatives to ensure their people don’t go hungry.

Our work in Lebanon is delivered in partnership with relief organisation Dorcas. Project officer Jean Geagea tells us about the challenge now facing them, as they redouble their efforts to provide 1,400 vulnerable children with Mary’s Meals around the capital Beirut. 

“Families in Lebanon are facing the struggle of a lifetime,” Jean says.

“With our country facing hyperinflation, people are being pushed deeper into poverty with the poorest families being hardest hit. Now, with the war in Ukraine, we are seeing prices rising even more, making it very difficult for people to pay for the basics.”

The nutritious school meals we provide to children in Lebanon consist of sandwiches or wraps and a piece of fruit, or vegetables.

Cold storage is vital to ensure the food we are serving to these vulnerable children is safe.

Dorcas is working hard to ensure we continue to serve fresh food for the children receiving Mary’s Meals, and to avoid any food contamination because of electricity and generator shortages.

Please help us keep our promise to the 2,279,941 children who receive Mary’s Meals in 20 countries across the world.

Together we can tackle global hunger and ensure children living in these most difficult times are not forgotten.

Find out more about our Global Hunger Crisis Appeal and how you can help today. 

Child wearing red headscarf against a dark backdrop

The time to act is now