Children waiting on their school meals

The cost of feeding the world’s poorest children has soared by 20%

Mary’s Meals feeds 2,429,182 hungry children every school day

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The cost of feeding children in the world’s poorest countries has risen by an unprecedented 20% – and we face significant challenges in delivering our international school feeding programme in 2023. 

We serve nutritious school meals in 18 countries, including Malawi, Yemen and Haiti. The promise of food attracts hungry children into the classroom, where they can gain an education that can be their ladder out of poverty.

Increases in prices for commodities – such as grain, fuel and fertiliser – mean the cost to feed a child with Mary’s Meals for a school year has increased from £15.90 to £19.15. This is the largest increase in our 20-year history.

Daniel Adams, executive director of Mary's Meals, says: “An uncertain year lies ahead, with the escalating cost of living causing much pain for both the children around the world who eat our school meals and those here in the UK who make our work possible.

“Simply put, our income is not growing at the same rate as the cost of feeding children.”

We feed 2,429,182 children every school day. Alongside the cost of living crisis, many of the countries where we work are impacted by conflict, climate change and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic which are increasing levels of hunger and poverty.

Daniel adds: “There has never been a better – or more urgent – time to support our work. Until 31 January 2023, donations to Mary’s Meals will be matched by a group of generous supporters, up to £1.5 million. This means that any donation, no matter the size, will have twice the impact and help even more desperately hungry children.

“The relentless kindness and generosity of people here in the UK have helped us to grow from feeding just 200 children in Malawi in 2002 to more than 2.4 million children around the world today. It is because of these people that we approach the many challenges we face in 2023 with a deep sense of hope.”

Until 31 January 2023, donations will be doubled by a generous group of supporters – up to £1.5 million. Find out more about our Double The Love campaign.

Child in class in Kenya

It costs just £19.15 to feed a child for an entire school year!