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Some updates for the new year

Important news from your Mary's Meals family

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We are starting 2023 with some important updates on our work… 

The cost of feeding children with Mary’s Meals has increased  

Every serving of Mary’s Meals now costs 10p, and the cost to feed a child for a school year has increased from £15.90 to £19.15.  

As you know, we are committed to keeping our running costs low to maximise the good we can do with the donations you entrust to us. However, the prices for many commodities – including grain, fuel and fertiliser – have risen. This means that, over the past year, the cost of feeding children with Mary’s Meals has increased by 20%. This is the first increase to our cost to feed a child since March 2020. 

Together, we are reaching more children than ever before 

Today, 2,429,182 hungry children will eat Mary’s Meals at school! This is an incredible outcome after what was a very difficult year for our mission – and it simply would not be possible without the generosity of our supporters here in the UK. Thank you for all that you do for the children who eat Mary’s Meals. 

We will now refer to working in 18 countries around the world 

We are no longer including Romania and Uganda in the number of countries where we work. This means we will refer to serving Mary’s Meals in 18 – not 20 – countries. 

Our work continues in Romania but as it is very different to our school feeding programme, we will no longer include it in the number of countries where we work. Meanwhile our programme in Uganda, which we ran with a partner, has now concluded.  

There’s still time to double your love 

Until January 31 2023, donations to Mary’s Meals will be matched by a group of generous supporters, up to £1.5 million – meaning your kindness can go even further! You can find out more about our Double The Love campaign here. 

It costs just £19.15 to feed a child for a whole year.  

This winter, the same donation will feed two children