Teacher in Kenya

Making a meaningful difference

George Morehead, Supporter Engagement Officer for Greater Glasgow, reflects on the selfless acts of love shown by Mary’s Meals volunteers around the world

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A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled upon St. Mary’s Church in Stirling.

“Wonderful!”, I thought. “I’ll go inside the church and pray.”

God clearly had other plans, as the main church doors were locked. So, I did what any sensible person of faith would do: I walked around the entire church, and tried every door handle I could find. Of course, none of them budged an inch.

Undeterred in my mission to pray, I sat under a nearby tree as it started to rain. Thankfully, the tree provided shelter, and as I sat there, I gave thanks for the incredible work of Mary's Meals, reflecting on the gift of children, the joy they bring, and their immense potential to transform the world.

My prayer soared, reaching far across to our programme countries where rain is often scarce. I marvelled at the impact of our mission: providing a meal in a place of education, and I reflected on the dedication of all the people, especially Mary’s Meals volunteers, who make this possible. 

Volunteer teacher, Robert

Robert, who is a volunteer teacher, also chooses to sit under a tree, but his tree is in Turkana, Kenya. Under its shade, Robert dedicates his time to teach a class of 60 children between the ages of three and 10. These children, some of whom walk up to four kilometres to attend his lessons, receive both education and nourishment.  

The biblical proverb, ‘A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water’ (Proverbs 11:25), beautifully encapsulates the spirit of this work. Robert's generosity, like that of all the volunteers, brings enrichment not only to the children he teaches but also to himself. By giving his time, knowledge, and care, he receives the deep fulfilment that comes from making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

When we take a moment to pause and be with God, we find a place of peace and reflection. Our small acts of service, much like the offering of water or a meal, can lead to greater things when placed in God's hands.

Today, I imagined our prayers as rainfall falling upon the earth. It put me in mind of the water cycle where every drop given returns in due course. 

Let us remember that in giving water, we receive water – both symbolically and in the blessings that flow back to us through our selfless acts of love.

George Morehead
Supporter Engagement Officer

Pray with us:

  • We pray for more opportunities to give water, more opportunities to be kind, please help us to recognise, receive and give thanks for these moments, give us the courage and strength to say yes when it will lead to an act of love, especially if our first reaction is no.


  • We pray for peace in our hearts and peace in our world, especially anyone or anywhere suffering through crisis. We think of Robert, and Kenya, and of all children in need, please bless them and all who strive to help them.


  • We pray for nourishment in our lives, both spiritual and physical, please let anyone who is hungry be fed.  Let strength and blessings to be poured out upon the Mary’s Meals family, and in your name Lord we ask for miracles.
Child in Kenya

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