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Children eating Marys Meals

“Love is shown more in deeds than in words.”

Anna reflects on acts of love carried out by our supporters and volunteers around the world

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This Easter, I find my thoughts returning again and again to Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy Jewish man who was a secret follower of Jesus. He showed great courage by asking Pilate for Jesus’ body so he could bury Him in a tomb honourably, rather than leaving Him hanging on the cross overnight. He carried out a great act of love for Jesus, taking His body down from the cross and lovingly and carefully wrapping Him in linen. 

At Mary’s Meals, we often talk about little acts of love. These are the words of our founder, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, who likes to describe our work as a series of little acts of love. From making a donation, to volunteering your time, to praying for our work – every single one of these little acts helps us keep our promise to the 2.4 million children we feed every day with a nutritious school meal. 

Our mission is helped not only by these little acts of love here in the UK, but by the incredible number of volunteers across the world who give their time and skills to deliver our feeding programmes.  

People like Simon, a father of two in Kenya, who offered his services as a volunteer cook for Mary’s Meals after seeing how hunger was driving absence and dropout rates at his local school. 

Simon says: “I get a lot of motivation from seeing that one meal a day can help children be consistent in school, even amid food shortages at home and when we experience droughts.”  

St Ignatius of Loyola said: “Love is shown more in deeds than in words.” The actions of Joseph of Arimathea, and of our volunteer Simon, clearly demonstrate the enormous impact of deeds or, as we say, acts of love. 

As we celebrate the season of Easter, may we be inspired to continue to live out our little acts of love for the 2.4 million little ones who eat Marys Meals – guided by the ultimate act of love we find in the gospel of John (3:16).  

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” 

Wishing you the joy of the risen Christ this Easter.

Anna Houghton
Supporter Engagement Officer 

Pray With Us:

  • We pray for a growing awareness of when and where we can carry out a little act of love for Mary’s Meals, and that people have the courage to join this mission.  

  • We pray for those who, in this season of hope, continue to give their time and talents to provide life-changing help to those in need. We pray especially at this time for Mary's Meals staff and volunteers in Syria and Malawi, as they continue to support their communities through the aftermaths of the devastating earthquakes and Cyclone Freddy.

  • We pray that people will be inspired by the acts of love of Joseph of Arimathea and Simon in Kenya to find ways to join in the mission of Mary’s Meals and be an inspiration to others. 

Children in Zambia enjoying Marys Meals

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