Breaking down barriers and empowering girls in Liberia
Isatu is overcoming extreme challenges to fulfil her dream of becoming a scientist
Isatu lives in Grand Cape Mount County in Liberia, an area not too far from the school she attends. At 16 years old, she is among the oldest in her grade six class and like many other girls from her community, is aware of the ingrained beliefs about gender roles that say girls should wash dishes, cook, clean the house, and wash clothes.
In Liberia, similar to other countries experiencing extreme poverty, survival often takes priority over education. As a result of a brutal 14-year civil war, Liberia’s children have sadly felt the ripple effect of the conflict with most of the country’s schools having been destroyed. Despite a decade of unbroken peace, Liberia is still facing huge challenges to reestablish its education system. More than half of all students do not finish primary school, and poverty and gender inequality continue to hinder access to education. It is significantly harder for girls to complete their education, and they attend an average of 3.5 years of school compared with boys’ 6.2 years.
Given the obstacles that stand in the way of young girls’ education in Liberia, a daily serving of Mary’s Meals provides Isatu and her female peers with an incentive to stay in school and concentrate on their studies. Isatu says: “I have eaten Mary’s Meals for many years, since I started school, and it is really helpful to me.

“When I am hungry in class, my stomach pains me a lot and it makes me not focus. When I eat Mary’s Meals, I feel relaxed and I am able to stay focused on what the teacher is teaching us.”
Our school feeding programme removes some of the barriers which prevent girls in Liberia from learning. For Isatu, the future is now much brighter and she hopes one day to fulfil her ambition of becoming a scientist.
Isatu is just one of millions of girls around the world who face societal challenges detrimental to their education, but thanks to your support, the next generation of women are being empowered to reach their full potential. Our school feeding programmes encourage all children to attend school and girls make up 50% of the children in school across our global programme. Mary’s Meals is giving girls, like Isatu, opportunities that they otherwise may not have.
By supporting Mary’s Meals, you can help us to ensure that every girl is given the vital opportunity to complete their education and build a better future for themselves and their communities.