A hopeful Christmas
In this month's prayer blog, Anna reflects on the message of love and hope shared by the shepherds at the birth of Jesus
At this time of year, many of us will hear Christmas carols, and even join in with singing them. One of my favourite carols is While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks, which tells the story of the angels appearing to the shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus. The line that stands out most for me is:
"Fear not", said he, for mighty dread had seized their troubled minds."
At the time Jesus was born, shepherds were not given a voice or recognised as having any social standing. They were detested by many. However, it was shepherds who were chosen to hear first of Jesus’ birth and to share the message with others.
This year, as we mark the 20th anniversary of Mary’s Meals, we have expanded our work to reach children in Yemen and more than 60,000 children in primary schools in Turkana, Kenya – they are among the 2,279,941 children we feed each school day. A nutritious meal and an education give these children a voice that they would not have had before and brings positivity and hope into their lives.
We look to the shepherds and the bravery they showed in sharing the message they received from the angels. Their example is one that shows light in the darkness we may often feel just now. That, despite the terrible images and stories we may hear on the news, there is hope in this world. Your prayers, your little acts of love, are the light changing the lives of so many.
Thomas was a normal little boy before conflict gripped his town in South Sudan. His father was killed by soldiers while trying to protect his family. Together with his mother and his siblings, Thomas managed to escape. Now he is among friends and able to study at a school where he eats Mary’s Meals.
Thomas says: “In the beginning, we had no food in the school, and it was difficult. Now all of us get food in school and we are so happy. My mother is happy too. One day I will get a good job and take care of my mother, who is always working too hard to care for us.”
Thank you for helping children like Thomas this year.
We wish our entire Mary’s Meals family every blessing this Christmas. May it be a time of peace, hope, love and joy.
Anna Houghton
Supporter engagement officer
Pray With Us:
- Jesus was born in a stable, the humblest of beginnings. We pray for the poor and homeless, especially at this time of Christmas, that they may feel the loving presence of God.
- Jesus was visited by shepherds, the outcasts in society at that time. We pray for those who feel outcast in our society, that this season of Christmas may see them welcomed into the lives of others and accepted for who they are.
- Jesus became a refugee. We pray for those who have had to flee their homes and families to be in a safer place, that they may be reunited with those they love and find peace in their lives.