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Crisis In Ethiopia

What is happening in Ethiopia?

The current situation in Ethiopia is dire. A combination of drought, displacement, and brutal conflict has left huge areas of the country in crisis. The Tigray region, where Mary’s Meals works, is one of the worst affected. Having lived through the atrocities of the Tigray war, millions of Ethiopians are now facing emergency levels of food insecurity and hunger. The war has undone years of progress in Tigray’s education system. For now, there is an urgent dual priority – ensuring that children in Tigray have food and boosting their chances of engaging with education again.  

Mary's Meals in Tigray, Ethiopia

In recent months, many children have been able to return to school. Working with our dedicated local partner, we have now fully reinstated the Mary’s Meals school feeding programme across Tigray, which is a lifeline to children living in poverty in these challenging days. 

Bowl icon
Image of a child in Ethiopia

Crisis in Ethiopia emergency appeal

Our partner is ready and waiting to extend the programme to more schools, in areas of great need across the region. We will work together to reach as many more children as possible with daily meals in school over the coming weeks and months. 

Donate to help Ethiopia

The situation is serious. But there is something you can do. You can provide these desperate children with food, education and hope of a brighter future. Please donate what you can today.

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Action For Ethiopia

 Let’s raise our voices to make the world take notice of what’s happening in Ethiopia. 

Post on social media and tell everyone what is happening and how they can support our work in the region. 

You can share our posts directly and/or use our social media graphics to let your friends, family and colleagues know how they can help. 

Share. Post. Support. 

Suggested text to copy and use:

Have you heard about what's happening in Ethiopia? Conflict, drought and displacement mean that 4.5 million people in Tigray urgently need emergency food aid.  I’m standing with the charity Mary’s Meals to raise awareness of the situation. We have a chance to stop this crisis before it spirals out of control.

Please share this message. If we all speak up, we can give a voice to those who are hungry.  

Find out more:

Find out more about our work in Ethiopia

Crisis In Ethiopia: An urgent update

Mary’s Meals’ Founder, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow has just returned from the Tigray region where he met children, families and communities who are desperate for the world to take notice. 

In our recent online event we heard from Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow and colleague Shona Shea about the people they met, the need in the region and the ways that Mary’s Meals hopes to urgently expand our programme.